Monday, December 6, 2010

Rushkoff's definitions

* neuromarketing ( psychological )

a form of marketing which studies three aspects of human psychology. the consumer's sensorimotor, cognitive, and affective responses to stimuli. Researchers are able to through MRI images, electroencephalography or sensors to measure brain activity when presented with new stimuli. These measurements try to understand the decisions which dictate consumer's actions.

* emotional branding

A term used to describe how a consumer feels about an advertised product. This is not based on image, usage or price. emotional branding is mostly used to market to a specific demographic.

* branding/creating a culture around a brand

Marketing focused on creating a brand or re-marketing a brand. Agencies focus on creating an image and strategy for clients to create an image for people to respond to. Advertising is meant to create an image which is easily recognizable and associated with a group of people who respond to the product.

* narrowcasting

advertising which is broad casted or shown to a specific audience. sometimes even specified on a one on one basis such as in the 2004 democratic elections which focused on showing voters personalized videos.

* rhetorical marketing

marketing which uses selective words which capture more meaning to the audience. often examples can be found in politics such as when republicans started referring to global warming as global climate change.

* under the radar marketing

attempts at marketing which are made to be unnoticed or noticed in a place where they would not normally be such as the front page of newspapers made to look like the daily bugle as an advertisement for spiderman 2 the movie.

* across-media marketing

advertising which appears in places outside of normal advertising space such as within a program itself. a character in a show may often meet at a certain coffee house or be seen using a certain product, such as in sex in the city when an entire episode was written by Smirnoff

* product placement across media

similiar to across media marketing, it is a form of promotion where companies promote themselves within media content such as placing the product within the content of a show adding extra appeal to both the character and company.

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