Thursday, September 9, 2010

For my project I decided to use youtube. The content contained withen youtube is an extensive library of video media created by personnel users of the site. Youtube's content is totally controlled by the user's making it a universally accepted medium. the medium however has quite a different message. By making youtube open to all members it allows every member to be a screenplay writer, directror, cinematographer, or actor. This is a mildly confusing subject to deal with when you think about in terms of what mcluchan would think. In one respect it gives a lot of chances for people who are striving for these roles and don't have the oppurtunity to pursue these roles. At the other time it detracts from networks and films as a source of media affecting their ratings. This use of media causes people to stay home and not contribute to conventional buissnesses but at the same time it allows people who would never reach stardom to reach internet fame. Youtube is a very convuleted concept from a pre-internet perspective so it is hard to evaluate from a mcluhan perspective. That said his concepts hold true that the medium of youtube delivers a message more powerful then the content withen. Each individual can create their own content and deliver their own message but the bigger news is that youtube represents a means for everyone to show media to everyone else. Youtube really channels the idea that mcluhan preeched wich was that the medium in which content is conveyed is more important then the content itself

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